Edinburgh has been a great place. I have noticed that ther is just a greater respect for authors and artists here. For example, there are countless monuments and statues in honor of different authors such as Robert Burns and Sir Walter Scott. At the same time, I have also realized that this is a much more literary place. There is more to write about and be inspired by. Just yesterday, I ate at this restaurant called The Elephant House. It is where J.K. Rowling wrote part of the first Harry Potter book.
Also, there are so many things that commemorate and cwelebrate the great achievements of others. There are monuements to soldiers such as Nelson, politicians like William Pitt, theologians like John Knox, and adventurers such as David Livingstone. Yet, this celebration is not limited to ancient times. Last night, I went to the appointment ceremony of a new govenor for Edinburgh Castle. There were military bands, bagpipers, soldiers, a general, a lord, and messengers from the queen. I even saw Princess Anne leaving Holyrood with her entourage.
I know that it all seems rather random, but there are so many things that though very inspiring, cannot be described as anything other than British. Well, that is all for a while so....
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